非常简单! 只需填写 GMercyU住房申请. It’s optimized for all devices so you can fill it out right on your phone or tablet! 除了 to the application, you’ll also need to complete the housing deposit via Self 服务.

一年级学生将住在新装修的洛约拉厅, 而新的转学生将住在圣. 布里吉德和锡耶纳大厅和其他高年级学生. 访问我们的 宿舍页面 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站你的住房选择. 

罗耀拉大厅: Traditional double 房间s, community style living, communal bath房间

St. 布里吉德和锡耶纳大厅: 4人套房带2间双人房,共用浴室

访问我们的 宿舍页面 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站每个宿舍楼的信息!


所有一年级学生将被安置在洛约拉厅, and all transfer and upperclass students will be placed in Siena or St. 布里吉特大厅. 锡耶纳和圣. Brigid are identical in style (4-person suites with semi-private bath房间s), 所以你没有必要给我们一个建筑偏好. Many factors go into determining how students are housing in the residence halls, 下面的 “我将如何分配房间和室友??" 问题.

Housing assignments are made based on a variety of factors including class year, 性别认同, 生活方式的偏好, 室友请求, space availability and the date by which you send in your housing deposit and complete your housing application. 由于校内住房不保证, 你的住房申请和押金提交得越早, 你的偏好越有可能得到满足. 

We believe that living on campus is an integral part of the total university experience and that our purpose in the residence halls is to help you thrive academically, 社会, 和个人.

All residents are supported on their college journeys by our Resident Assistants (trained student leaders), 谁在那里引导, 激励, 并吸引你. 除了 to all of the activities and initiatives they carry out, 当你需要的时候,助理助理就在你身边. 我们的 宿舍生活人员 我也是来找你的吗! Everything we do is to support our residents' path to success, with the whole person in mind.


While we have a rolling application process, the preferred deadline is generally May 1 each year.  学生s can apply after this date; however, we assign housing based on availability.

越早收到申请和押金, the more likely housing can be secured and preferences accommodated. 

Housing assignments will be emailed to your GMercyU email address in late June/early July. 电子邮件将包含您的大楼, 房间, 还有室友的联系方式, 入学细节, 还有一张该带什么不带什么的清单. 如果您在此日期之后申请和/或存入, 我们将继续通过电子邮件发送这些信息,直到入住.

每年的食宿合同是有约束力的, annual contract that is required to be signed before moving into the residence halls. The contract and signature area is located on 页面 two of the housing application. 如果您在申请时未满18岁, 你还需要父母或监护人的签名. Contact our office directly if you are not sure about housing for the full academic year so we can discuss the options available.

2024-2025学年的膳食计划尚未确定. 然而, 2023-2024学年, 有三种膳食计划可供选择:每周15顿饭, 每周10顿饭, 或者100块计划. 在块计划中,没有每周用餐的限制. If you run out of meals on the block plan, you can purchase more in 10 or 15 meal increments. Any meals unused at the end of the semester will not carry over to the next.

所有居民将被要求选择这些膳食计划中的一种. 除了, MERV的钱包含在每一餐计划中, which can be used at all dining locations on campus in place of cash. MERV Bucks carry over from the fall to spring semester but will expire at the end of the spring term. Additional money (Flex dollars) can be added to a card by going through Self 服务.

摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站用餐时间的具体信息可以在 GMercyU餐饮服务 页面.

All residents are required to have medical forms completed and on file with the 健康 & 8月1日之前去健身中心. 有关填写健康表格的资料可在此查阅: 健康 & 健康中心

学生s who do not submit the required health information will have their housing eligibility put on hold. This is for the health and safety of all students living on campus.

宿舍楼将于周四对新生开放, 8月24日, 2023年,返校学生将在周日搬进来, 8月27日, 2023. 第一天的课程是2023年8月28日星期一. Fall student athletes receive information collaboratively from our office and 体育运动 regarding their early move-in for pre-season purposes.

The following is a list of all the residence hall closings and openings 2023-2024学年:


大厅下午5点关门.m. 11月21日,星期二

宿舍下午5点关门.m. 2023年12月15日星期五


宿舍下午5点关门.m. 3月8日星期五

宿舍下午5点关门.m. 3月27日星期三

The residence halls will close at the end of the academic year at 5:00 p.m. 2024年5月10日,星期五.

The housing assignment email will include a full list of recommended items to bring as well as items that are not allowed. A downloadbale list of what is recommended to bring and not bring is also included at the top of this 页面.

微型冰箱将提供给居住在洛约拉大厅的居民. Loyola Hall residents cannot bring their own additional refrigerators or microwaves.

在锡耶纳和圣. 布里吉特大厅, each resident may bring their own refrigerator that cannot be larger than 4.0立方英尺. 在锡耶纳和圣何塞的学生房间里不允许使用微波炉. 布里吉特大厅. They are, however, provided in lounge and kitchen areas throughout the residence halls.

Not only are washers and dryers located in each residence hall, they are FREE to use!

给洗衣工的, it is highly recommended that High Efficiency (HE) Pods or HE liquid detergent be used. At no time should powder detergent be placed into the washing machines.  

所有的宿舍都有WiFi. There is also wired access in lounge areas through the use of an Ethernet cord. Cable TV is only offered in the lounges throughout the residence halls. 学生s are recommended to bring a Smart TV to stream television in their 房间s.

You will receive a mailbox in your residence hall to retrieve normal mail and very small pack年龄s. Any pack年龄 that connot be placed in your maibox will be available in the mail房间. You will receive an email or text mess年龄 notifying you of your pack年龄 to pick up. If someone would like to send your mail, please use the following address:

GMercyU Box #

GMercyU的电子邮件是官方的沟通方式, 你应该定期检查一下. 我们的办公室, 以及校园里的其他办公室和部门, will consistently send out information to your GMercyU e-mail account. 

我们很乐意帮忙! 给住宿生活办公室发邮件,地址是 reslife@knowledgemantra.net 或致电267-448-1305.